Schottische Landschaft

About me

Hi! You want to learn more about me? Ok, then I'll tell you a little bit about myself..

Sascha Ohde
Sascha Ohde (Vanlifer / Youtuber / Filmmaker / Photographer)

My name is Sascha, I am a Youtuber, filmmaker, photographer, chocolate addict, and have been a full-time vanlifer since 2011. On this website and on my Youtube channel, I regularly share my latest travel films and vlogs and give my followers tips on products related to the topics of vanlife, RV, travel, and outdoor.

I was born in Bad Segeberg in 1970 (do you really find that interesting??? ๐Ÿค”). After completing my programming training in 1994, I opted for the more challenging path and spent nearly 20 years as a musician. But besides being on stage, what I enjoyed the most was touring and being on the road. That's why in 2011, I decided to trade my apartment for a motorhome, and since then, I've become what is known as a 'van lifer' today.

'If our life really flashes before our eyes before we die, I don't just want to see my boss.'

Sascha Ohde

Since then, I have been frequently exploring even rockier paths and capturing my excursions, travels, and road trip adventures in my photos and films. It is a passion that has been deeply ingrained in me since my youth, but it never went beyond a few Super-8 films during my school years. That's why in 2018 it was high time for me to start my own Youtube channel.

Preikestolen Norwegen
Preikestolen, Norway
'Do you ever feel lonely when you're traveling alone?'

I get asked this question a lot. But thanks to my amazing followers, I never feel alone for a second. That's why I would be thrilled if you join me, accompany me on my travels, and become a part of the 'worldยดs best community'!
